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miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Powerball Lottery draw results from wednesday 4th April 2018


powerball-draw-results We have 25 years as America's favorite Powerball Lottery. Ladies and gentlemen prepare your tickets because today we have a lot of money for you !Good luck!

Powerball Winning Numbers

Draw Results

Winners: 08 - 24 - 42 - 54 - 64

No. Powerball: 24

Powerball Play: 4X

Powerball Live

Jackpot of the next draw.

$74 Million

¿How you earn money with Powerball?

Only select 5 numbers from 1 to 69 and a "Powerball" number between 1 and 26. The "Powerball" is drawn in a machine different from the rest of the balls.

If you hit the 6 numbers you will win the jackpot, but also this lottery game has another 8 levels of additional prizes.

Thanks for following us, we wait for the next draw!

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